
Nomination for Liebster Award - Questions and Answers

I'm honoured to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Olga from the blog Ekskribicjonizm Kontrolowany (and Polish Your Spoon). 

Just to explain what that is (I didn't know that neither):
"The nomination for the Liebster Award is received from another blogger for 'having a job well done'. It is awarded to blogs with fewer observers, so it gives the possibility of their "spread". After receiving the award, answer the 11 questions received from the person who nominated you. Then, you nominate 11 people (you inform them) and ask them 11 questions. You must not nominate the blog that has nominated you."

Olga asked me 11 questions in Polish, but as I know I have international readers too, I've allowed myself to translate and answer them in English. I'm sorry I won't nominate another 11 people as this could get a little bit complicated/confusing because of the language barrier/switch.

1. One sweet now or two sweets in an hour?
One sweet now.

2. Do you prefer talking or listening?
I like listening but sometimes I'm just talking too much :(

3. A bold book plus a thin sandwich or a thin book plus a bold sandwich?
I'm afraid I don't read too much lately and it's too hot for big food, either .. so I don't know ^^

4. Apple pie or cheese cake?
My mum's Vienna style cheese cake (translation thanks to Olga ;)

5. What  place would you recommend to visit/see in Poland? It can be a city, a restaurant or a tourist point.
Boah, that's a tough one. I love so many places! Hmm, I really enjoy the swimming pond Bagry and the Plaża Kraków beach club & restaurant right by the Vistula (both Cracow). I'm still remembering the White House Lounge & Restaurant in Sopot last year - heaven on earth with a top-design! Worth visiting is the Museum Fabryka Schindlera (Cracow). Of course this list would have no end ...

6. What foreign language do you like most?
French! I'm studying it via Duolingo (iPhone app) now ;)

7. What does it mean to you "to plan your life"?
Have a nice job and a steady income .. sorry Olga but that's a weird question for me.

8. Heart or brain?
I do prefer brain, but sometimes it's nice to let yourself just live fast.

9. What was your first memory and how old have you been?
My first memory is a sad one - I even feel pity for the little-me back then: I was screaming and crying like hell because my mum left me in kindergarten, I was two years old ;)

10. Favourite Polish dish?
Pierogi!!!! Who doesn't like them?!

11. What nice thing would say yourself if you were your best friend?
You're tough enough, just believe in yourself :)

Maybe YOU have some questions you'd like to ask me? Feel free!


Bye Bye, Blondi

Witajcie! Przygotujcie się kochani na duże zmiany :) Otóż,  chciałabym się z Wami pożegnać. Ten rok był dla mnie wspaniały, obfitował w wiele niespodzianek i sytuacji, które z pewnością wiele mnie nauczyły. Jestem Wam bardzo wdzięczna za komentarze, wsparcie i ciągłe motywowanie. Niemniej, każdy z nas podąża swoją drogą życia. Moja na tym etapie skręca w inną stronę. Wyjeżdżam z Europy i w miejscach, w których będę, prawdopodobnie napotkam na wielkie problemy z prowadzeniem bloga. Dlatego więc zadecydowałam wspólnie z Weri, że najlepszą decyzją będzie, jeżeli to ona zajmie się ANTIMESS'em. Od tego czasu Weri będzie pełniła rolę jedynej szefowej :)

Hello everyone! Are you ready for a big change? :) Well, I'd like to say goodbye. This year has been great for me, full of surprises and situations that certainly taught me a lot. I am very grateful to you for your comments, support and motivation. However, each of us should follow their own path. At this point mine takes another direction. I'm leaving Europe and I will visit places where access to the Internet will be very limited. Therefore, me and Weri, have decided that the best thing for the blog is that she will be the one who runs ANTIMESS. So Weri is oficially the only and true boss :) 

Jestem pełna pozytywnej energii, chociaż z drugiej strony trochę mi smutno, że Was opuszczam. 

I am full of positive energy, but on the other hand I am also a little sad to leave you, guys.

1st pic via www.elephantjournal.com/ 2nd pic by me/ 3rd pic by Ira Levytska

Moc buziaków dla każdego z Was!
Lots of kisses to all of you!



Portrait by Let's Do The Catwalk Ladies

Sometimes I really wish to be very good at something that is associated with beauty, for example dancing like a primaballerina, singing like a rockstar .. or painting like Picasso (I'm exaggerating now, but I hope you get the point!). As you've probably already realized, Ola and me have a partiality for painters :) Such a talent is Ewelina from the blog Let's Do The Catwalk Ladies. Not only is she a beautiful woman, but also has a passion for drawing (you can read more about it here). My post is the article part II because Ola has already shown you her portrait a few days ago.

The picture Ewelina got inspired is from the post <Cudawianki i Dzieci Kwiaty> (below) where I was wearing a real wreath made by my university classmate Basia Matonóg.

Do you have any hidden talents?

portrait painted by Ewelina Gradzik from Let's Do The Catwalk Ladies



Drunken Sailor

When I saw those wide and large trousers at TK Maxx, I didn't even try them on and just bought them - I thought they will be perfect for hot days and cool evenings. At home - trying them finally - I looked weird, a a little bit fat, disproportional - they were simply too big ;) Thinking about the situation, I pulled them up and now I love them! Sometimes bigger sizes are really cool, and we can do something different and untypical with them! The best example is the lately uploaded photo of Maffashion's T-Shirt, which she's wearing as a dress - doesn't she look good? Do you buy bigger sizes sometimes? Tell me!

I was wearing: 
grey ZARA top
PEPPERMINT trousers (TK Maxx)
suede VENEZIA pumps
ALBERTA DI CANIO leather bag (TK Maxx)
RAY BAN Wayfarer

photos were taken by Klaudyna Schubert 
at Bagry, in Cracow

Wishing you more sunny days! 


New Age

Witajcie:) Nie tak dawno temu Ewelina, która prowadzi TEN blog zrobiła mi i Weri bardzo miłą niespodziankę. Tak, postanowiła nas narysować. Dziękuję pięknie!:) Inspiracją było zdjęcie z TEGO POSTA. Prawda, że podobne? :)

Not such a long time ago, Ewelina, who has THIS blog, gifted me & Weri very nicely. Yes, you are right, she's decided to paint us. Thank you sooo much! :) She was inspired by a photo from THIS POST. Aren't we similar?! :) 

Xoxo, Ola :)



This post is the continuation of our cowork with Karolina Skrzydłowska aka PEPINO - a crazy, red-head girl from Cracow whos passion are black & white illustrations and drawings. As you saw Ola's latest post (dare you haven't :P ), Pepino's art has a touch of mystery, darkness, even a little bit of creepiness. As the photos inspired by Maggie Piu were a lot easier to interpret because there were women with character, Karolina's illustrations made me trouble a little bit. Below the effects - I'm eager to know your opinion!

I was wearing: 
FOREVER 21 tee KENNEL & SCHMENGER suede-boots + bracelet via SZAFA.PL

photos were taken by Klaudyna Schubert 
at MIX-MEBLE ul Wadowicka 8A in Cracow
- thank your for beeing so kind to let us shoot at your place -

See you! 